Monday, July 12, 2010

We're back at the hostibull

This morning Caleb began to run a fever just after breakfast. It was a slow climb up to fever temp, and I was on the phone with the doc here. We came to the hospital around 10:30, and they admitted us just after lunch today. Caleb's temp was going up and down, but now it seems locked in at "high". They've started him on antibiotics, and have taken blood to uncover the source of the problem. Hopefully it's something simple. My prayer is that it's not the portacath. I don't yet know what it would mean if it was, but I just don't want this portacath to be giving us any more trouble. For now we will rest; Caleb is tired. He's been a trouper once again. He is so tough, it hurts. Please pray for this temperature to come down, for a speedy recovery, and that his treatments tomorrow will not be delayed. The earliest we could return home is 48 hours, but we're not counting on that. If it happens that would be wonderful. Caleb is not very happy to be here, and so I'm not too happy about it either. We are making the best of it, as we must. We are in the best place we could be right now, and I'm thankful that I'm no longer the one monitoring his temperature. His encouraging artwork is back up on the wall, with a few new additions. We're just about to dig in to some pizza from Mike's Miracles' movie night. I am hopeful for a good evening and good rest for both of us.



Unknown said...

Thinking about you and Caleb and your entire family. Words don't seem adequate. My love goes out to you and all of your loved ones.

d said...

Up and down, up and down... so goes the roller coaster. Hope you get some sleep tonight, and we really hope the fever goes far away. Glad you are close to great health care, but sad that it has to be this way again.

spot, mle, and little spot

Anonymous said...

Blah, I'm sorry, I was hoping you'd get a longer stint at home before he spiked. Zoe had a line infection once and it meant 2 weeks in the hosipital to complete an IV course of antibiotics. The second week we got to go home in the afternoon between doses though. The Dr's told me that most fevers aren't centre line related though, so hopefully it'll just be one of those mysterious spikes and you can go home soon!
Funny all the similarities. They do pizza night here in Calgary on Wednesdays. It was a small consolation for being in on a wednesday when you got free pizza that tasted much better than the cafeteria. I'm glad you guys get that too! You are in my thoughts and prayers and I'll hopefully be able to talk to you soon.

anya genevieve said...

"For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches on the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all." Emily Dickinson

prayer & blessings, anya