Friday, July 2, 2010

Good Morning!

It was a good night, and we're hoping for a good day!

No chemo drugs today, other than steroids.


Rileysowner said...

Yeah! No drugs today.

Kim said...

Hooray!!! I hope it's a wonderful day for you all :)

the other Nella said...

Jess, I don't know where my brain was when I posted the other day, but i realized afterwards that it had been 13 yrs., not 10.Not that it makes any difference when you miss her so much.Amazing how the Lord has provided support in the form of the your Mom's friend.With you in thought and prayer every day. I have something for Caleb, but it will probably be a few days before I can get it to him. Don't want to visit while his counts are bottoming. Love the other Nella

d said...

I like the bathtub picture. It looks funny. I hope Caleb gets better soon. I am praying for him. little spot (Sophia)