We received a gift today: a surprise opportunity to come home for the afternoon. We didn't know that when we woke up this morning, but the doctor came in at noon and said we'd be able to have some time away this afternoon. We had a fantastic time. It was so strange to be driving out of the parking garage with Caleb in the van. Dad even finished his work day early and we were all home together for a few hours. Gorgeous weather, backyard barbeque, dinner outside. It was wonderful. Tonight Grandma is spending the night with Caleb, a sleep over. Caleb was pumped about that, and Mom gets a chance to be home tonight. We pray that all goes well tonight, that Caleb's blood counts are good tomorrow and we can come home again for a visit. Moment by moment, things are so encouraging. Thank you for your prayers, and please keep praying for more good times like this.
So awesome! And what perfect weather for a trip home.
Yay! We're so glad you could have some quality time at home. So good for the soul!
Much love!
Hooray for lawn mowers, sunshine, and time on the steps of your house. Here's hoping for more visits to the house, and maybe a sleepover at home! spot
I'm so happy for you all and especially for Caleb to get a chance to be outside, at home, with all his family around, and free of IVs!! Enjoy your day together and celebrate the small things ~ which end up becoming BIG things when a life's balance takes such a huge shift like it has for Caleb and your family. Caleb buddy, Have a 'blast' at your sleepover tonight with Grandma and hope to talk and see you again soon!! hugs, kisses & prayers, anya
Wow ,what a treat and what a beautiful picture! Caleb looks fabulous. (So do you Jess)Praise the Lord for those precious hours of time together and for Grandma too. Love ,The other Nella
So happy you and Caleb could get home for the day! He looks so happy to be out in the sunshine, and what a beautiful day it was. Kyleigh sends hugs for everyone! You have done a great job with this blog, it is so nice to have updates. Praying for lots more trips home soon!
Thank you for all your posts. They have been an encouragement for me, reminding me that His mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness.
blessings, phyllis
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