Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Every Blessing

A Tuesday afternoon trip to the lakefront at Lake Ontario. We played hide-and-seek behind in the trees, and we saw a boat anchored at the shore. We also saw big dogs and smelled french fries and chicken nuggets cooking at a restaurant. Then we went home and had supper. (as told by Caleb and Nella)

We are so far still home and enjoying it. With Grandma's help, we are adjusting to life at home. I'm learning how to organize our meds. I'm getting used to washing dosing syringes; Grandma was helpful in setting up a system here for that, thanks to her experience with Sara and her girls.

We take each good thing for what it is, a gift from God and an answer to prayer. In our house, at the end of each night, we sing a song with the kids. In this song we name a few of the good things that God has given us that day. There have been times these last few days when I would think, "What in the world can Caleb think of that has been good today?" yet there are always many things to name. This is how we do things, one day at a time. And sometimes one moment at a time. When it's good, we'll enjoy and give thanks for what we have. Carpe Diem. When it's bad, we trust and hope that this too shall pass. That's how I'm operating right now, and so far so good. We remain in God's hands.

Thank you again everyone for all of your love and care. Your prayers are being answered, and we feel your support. We are still receiving meals, and that is such peace of mind and so good for us right now. Thank you. We still cannot really take visitors right now, and so I give thanks that Caleb has two sisters to play with. I am thankful for this blog that helps me stay connected with you, and for email, and telephones, and for Grandma who makes it possible for Tim and I to go out for a walk at night.

I hope you all have a good day today.



Anonymous said...

Tim and Jessica, we have been praying for you and your family since we heard about this difficult journey you are on. It is our prayer that God will hold you all close, as you take one day at a time.
G&L Vanderzwaag

anya genevieve said...

One day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time - even some days you have to do it one minute at a time... but like you're sharing with here with us all there's alot of good and joy and blessings that can come out of living life in such a way; even when you dont chose to change your life so drastically; when its chosen/changed for you in the turn of a moment, there can be good to come from it. Just keep hanging in and savouring the good times and it will make all the difference for the bad times. Maybe not always, but each day hopefully more and more. Sorry if this sounds like advice; I didnt mean for it to come out that way. I just can relate to the whole 'one day at a time' and having had to change my life to live with that as my motto, well, God has brought so many blessings through it and has also helped opened my eyes to be able to see them more clearly. Praying for you all everyday, love anya

Anonymous said...

So thankful that you could have a somewhat "normal" day. Glad that you guys could just be together and enjoy some of what life has to offer! Thinking and praying for you...The Karstens

anj said...

we love you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Jess. Keep sharing so we know how to pray for Caleb and the whole family. Your words encourage us probably more than you know. I hope that knowing that we are praying for you guys encourages you each day. Blessings to you all. Mr. Richard and Mrs. Carla and the family.