We arrived home this afternoon at 2. So good to be home. Once things stabilized for Caleb it was hard to still be there, waiting. I'm glad we were there, because should he have spiked another fever, they could deal with it immediately. They really do take such good care of us.
It's been so up and down this week. It was hard to go to the hospital on Monday, but it was good to get good care. Caleb's fever really did go up quite high before disappearing. We're so glad it went away with treatment. The bone marrow procedure and lumbar puncture on Tuesday were nerve-wracking for Caleb; he was so afraid to "go to sleep" again. I don't blame him: the last time he was put to sleep this way he woke up in PCCU. I'm so glad that things have gone smoothly. Hearing about no blasts has been so fantastic, the overall picture looks good. It was still hard to be in the hospital for still another day when he was feeling and responding so well. The whole experience is so emotionally up and down and mixed all around, it's hard to know which end is up. I suppose I'd sum much of it up by saying that hospital stays are vital, but they are hard for a family to handle. It's the dividedness of the family that is the kicker.
But we've made it home again. Caleb sleeps in his own bed, and I do too! The kids can play together, although they need to learn how to do that again after having time apart. Caleb's moodiness is really hard on our sensitive Nella, but we're getting through, and look forward to a time when he won't be on steroids anymore.
Keep him in your prayers, and all of us. Please continue to pray for no fevers, and that the chemo continues to be as effective as it has been. I cannot thank everyone enough for the support you continue to show to us. Thank you, because it really keeps us going.
Have a good night,
Jess, you seem drained today. Praying for God's super amazing strength to pour through you as you sleep tonight. Same with Tim and the kids. Hang in there! You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Continuing to pray for your whole family. May God multiply the effect of your sleep and continue to give you the strength you need from day to day.
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