Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Caleb - Update number 2

2nd update - 6/21/2010 - evening..

The doctors indicated that they had detected blasts in Caleb's blood, and because of this wanted to rule out leukemia, and so they will be doing a bone marrow test on Caleb tomorrow.
again please pray that the test will go well, and that the tests will show no leukemia in the bone marrow.
They are at McMaster hospital, no time has been given for the test yet, but Caleb will sleeping during the Bone Marrow test.

I talked with Jess at 8:45 and Tim and Jess were with Caleb at the hospital, the 2 girls were with friends. Caleb was feeling better from the blood transfusion, but getting tired because it was past his bed time.

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