Here's Caleb, serenading everyone like usual!

ALL stands for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. This is what Caleb has. B-cell type, for those of you who might understand this type of information. He is currently in a standard risk group. ALL, B-cell, standard risk are all things that tell us that doctors have a good sense of what to do to help Caleb get better. What we tell Caleb is: there are blasts in your blood, and those blasts are making your body sick. What we're going to do now is blast those blasts.
Caleb will remain in the standard risk group for now, and begin treatment hopefully tomorrow. As treatment progresses over the next 32 days, they'll be assessing to see if he will remain in the standard risk group. Further test results will come with time. With this plan of care, we'll be here at Mac for at least 7 more days, possibly more depending if there are complications of any kind. Caleb will receive medecine through something that we're hoping they'll install in his body tomorrow. It's called a "portacath", something we've recently become familiar with through my neices, Sara's girls, Rachel and Janneke. Caleb will have one too. We're so glad that we can give him one of these, it spares him from IV pokes and blood work pokes, just one more discomfort we can spare him. We hope he'll have the portacath put in tomorrow, it will be a surgery for which they'll give him "sleeping medecine" and he won't feel it. He'll have surgery if there's enough time in the operating room tomorrow. It may have to be bumped back, depending on what else happens for others who are scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Pray that we are able to have this done tomorrow.
Many people have asked about visiting. While we are quite social people, especially my singing red-head next to me, we need to limit our visitors at this time because Caleb's immune system is not what it should be. We'll have to stick with the cards, emails, and phone calls that we've been getting up to this point. We'll let you know if and when this changes. We cannot thank everyone enough for the offers of support and prayers and everything that we've heard and received in the past number of days. Caleb's room is becoming decorated with wonderful artwork, and we love it. Send more! :)
Nella is coming now to spend some time with Mom and Dad and Caleb. For now we will enjoy this health and strength and pray for the courage for each new day.
Praying for strength for you all, for healing for Caleb, and that God will give you each what you need as you walk through this together. Blessings,
Hannah (Byl) & Ryan Braam
Hi there,
I'm a friend of your sister Sara....'Ella's mom'. We're praying for you and ask God to hold you near Him. May God give you everything you need.
Bernice Warkentin
Dear Tim & Jess, Jodi told me about Caleb and his diagnosis. We are praying for your family and Caleb, knowing through personal experience some of what lies ahead for you. A great place to find up-to-date helpful information is the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's website: http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/ You can just google LLS and find it.
We pray for our Heavenly Father's presence with you as you go forward trusting Him to meet every need for every moment. Ps. 28:7 "The Lord is my strength and shield, my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped."
Charlie & Wilma DeRidder (Jodi's parents)
Praying for your family! Please let us know if you need anything at all.
The Burgess Family - First CRC
Wow guys, what sad news.... we will be praying for your family as you begin down this journey!
Rach & Matt
Dear Jess and Tim,
We are praying for strength for Caleb as he starts this journey, but also for you and Tim as you support him.
Karenna is colouring up a storm...can't wait to send her drawings to Caleb to decorate the room!
Much love,
Keep in mind, this past Sunday's message. Psalm 46. Perhaps Al has no idea how important that message was going to be. I love you guys. Let Caleb know that too.
We're praying for your family! May God surround you with his grace and peace.
Chris & Hennie
Bethel Church in Exeter is praying for Caleb and you as you go through this. May God's grace shine through so you can know the truth that his grace is sufficient for all your needs and his power is made perfect in your weakness.
our prayers are with you.
We will be praying for Caleb and your family!
Jody (from Coffee Break)
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