Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Answer to prayers

Thank you for praying for Caleb! Today we went to clinic and learned more about Caleb's blood clot. They should be able to "fix" it by putting some clot busting drug (I think it's called TPA, but maybe it should be called CBD) in his port and leaving it to eat away at the clot until it is broken down completely. We will do this tomorrow. It takes an hour or so, and we're going to pray that it works after doing it once. If it doesn't work, they'll do it again.

Thank you for your prayers, and thank God for this answer. We had prayed it would be a simple solution, the least invasive possible. This sounds pretty good. Caleb's anxiety is still heightened--his heart rate is up, we know from today. Hopefully that improves with some more time.

For now we will sit at home and enjoy some chicken noodle soup (latest craving for the steroids diet). It's a real soup day.


Gina Taylor said...

That is wonderful news Jess. Praise God for answered prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad. I was hoping they'd just be able to use some Heparin or something, but I'm not as familiar with ports. Tell Caleb that "that Mosquito medicine" should clean up that blood spot in no time! Hope there's some good shows on treehouse or toys hanging around while you wait!

Chris Schoon said...

That is an answer to prayer. We will continue to pray that the medicine works and that the clot dissolves. Much grace and peace to all of you.