My family went camping. We borrowed Uncle Ralph and Aunt Sara's camper. Uncle Ralph and Aunt Sara said we can hang on to it for a few more times. We played in the camper at camping, and we had hotdogs in the camper. I had a hotdog and Nella had a hotdog in the camper. The bathroom at camping is not a normal bathroom, it's not a flush one.
hey Caleb, sounds like you had a good time camping!! I'm really glad you like your orange crocs; mine are blue but now you've got me wanting to buy some orange ones for myself!! And I like water with sand way better than pools myself... even though its messier I think its more fun and its a good way to see God's creation - hope to see more of your pictures soon and to see you and your sisters and mom and dad soon too!! love ya buddy! anya xoxo (say hi to your family!)
Hi Jess Tim Nella Aleah and especially hi to Caleb!
Just wanted you to know that we have loved reading your blog stories, and are really happy to hear you're feeling better Caleb. I also really like your bravery beads. You must be pretty brave to have sooooooo many of them!
Lauren and Tyler are my 'little' boys but they're big now, taller than their dad, Ron! They surprised us with a special birthday present, and rented kayaks with us in Toronto harbor and islands. I think you'd like kayaking... We saw lots of big boats and little sailboats and canoes, we watched the island airport planes taking off and landing and we paddled around the islands all day. We saw baby ducklings and turtles and a weasel! It was a really nice family day just like your camping trip last weekend.
Keep writing your stories on the blog Caleb! It's the best! Lots of love your Toronto cousins, Caroline and Ron and Lauren and Tyler.
That's a funny picture of your dad!
Brenda in St. Catharines
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