Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And one more makes 30!

Last leg needle done!

After Caleb's leg needle, the nurse with the loudest voice called out to everyone waiting at clinic, and we did a 3 loud "Hip-Hip Hoorays!" to celebrate together.  Not a lot of dry eyes.  It's a special time for all of the parents there--who've either been there or will be there.  We're thankful and happy.  Caleb's joy was so apparent, it was awesome to know that he really gets it, and he's really happy to be done these needles. 

We're now in Maintenance phase, which is still a year and a half long, but just one clinic trip a week instead of two.  One step at a time.  Thanks for celebrating this little mountain with us!


Jen said...

My eyes wouldn't have been dry either! What a special moment and a time to celebrate and thank the Lord for these milestones. Praying that the next 18 months are smooth ones.

-The Burgess Family

d said...

Hurray! This is wonderful. Congrats, Caleb!

aunt spot

Chris Schoon said...

Yeah, Caleb! We're excited for you! We will continue to pray for you and your family.

anya genevieve said...

Yippeee!!!!!! Caleb, i'm so happy with you and your family that your leg needles are all done!! You are the bravest boy i've ever met i want you to know that I hope that you get better soon and well i'm just so proud of you buddy! i hope to get to come visit you guys for dinner again soon and then maybe you can show me how all the new stuff you've learned on your violin, and maybe even you can teach me a bit about playing the guitar cause i hear you're really good at playing that too!! For now, i send you hugs and lots of love and i'm always praying for you buddy ok? give kisses to your sisters and your mom from me ok? and maybe one for your dad too?! :) love you! anya xoxo

Jacquie said...

I remember the mood for us and the staff in the cancer clinic when my mom finished her last chemo treatment last summer...ringing a special bell...cheers...tears. So glad you've reached this milestone. Caleb looks delighted! :) Blessings as the journey continues.
-Jacquie DeRaaf

Anonymous said...

(I'm kind of glad there isn't a video, Jess.)

Sending hugs!

Kim said...

Hip, Hip, HOORAY!!

So glad to hear it :D

Aunt Linda said...

Great is His faithfulness! Awesome news! You have been a pillar of strength throughout this trial and I am proud to call you family. I pray that you will continue to feel the love and strength from all your friends and family. Please continue this blog. The fact that you have 56 followers and countless replies and prayers proves that we are truly a communion of saints surrounded by His love and faithfulness. Take care Jess. Continue to be a strength to your beautiful family

Anonymous said...

wonderful news guys - we're celebrating with you!! praying for continued blessings.... Michelle DB

Unknown said...

Yay! I hope that the next phase goes well.

Asna (Shaan's mom) said...

yeah!!! Great News. My husband ran into you today at the happy for you guys that this stage is over. Maintenance is soooo much better! Their energy is back, appetite is way better and overall don't feel sick..

Wishing you the best...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Strength for the remainder of the journey.
Brenda B.