Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No Intracardiac Thrombus

What does "no intracardiac thrombus" mean?  No more clot!!  It's gone!  Completely gone.  That's the best news we've heard in a while!  Hurray! 

We can't wait to stop tummy needles.  April 4 is the expected end date for them.  No more morning and night sit down, ice Caleb's tummy, clean it, give the needle, hold for 5 minutes.  No more fear of brain bleeds and internal bleeding.  Good news indeed.

Caleb went to school for a full day today.  He really wanted to.  Today the inter-link nurse, Claire, came and did a presentation in Caleb's class about leukemia and the treatment that Caleb has had.  She gave medicine to a doll--medical play like we've shown pictures of here on the blog--and showed a video that the makers of Peanuts comics put together.  In the video, a friend of Linus gets leukemia.  They visit her, she has medicine and misses school, and she comes back to school again.  The class enjoyed the movie--Snoopy is funny no matter what context, apparently.  Caleb told me that the little girl had a "bob", and Anna said that the little girl was "blonde."  What they were trying to say was that the little girl was "BALD" from her treatments.  Her hair grew back just like Caleb's (and, speaking of hair, check out Hans' Hirsute Challenge in the side bar of this blog!).   

Another thing Caleb learned today was the word "Cancer."  He said, "Mum, today we watched a movie about Can-cer."  He said it in such a specific way, unique.  We have rarely referred to what Caleb has as cancer, rather using it's name, leukemia.  It is cancer, but leukemia is a specific type of cancer.  In the beginning when Caleb was first sick, Tim and I talked about leukemia and cancer, and named Caleb's illness leukemia more often, realizing that for us and most adults, cancer carries such fear just in its name.  We can fight leukemia much more confidently than we can fight cancer.  With the kids today at school, cancer and leukemia were no different from one another.  Something to think about.  Hmm... I suppose I should probably check with Caleb to see if he knows that they're the same, that the nurse was talking about his leukemia when she was talking about cancer. 

After a day and a half, what's Caleb's favourite part about school?  They have a car mat.  Easily impressed, he is.


Anonymous said...

hi Jess; reading your blog I found myself "hmmm" 'ing alot - and then smiled when I saw your "Hmmm" - I'm guessing we were on the same thought-path :) Congrats with the good news again; we praise God with you for that news and pray that those good gifts of good news continue! Also thankful with you for a new "normal" with Caleb going to school - love that there's a car mat there!! good stuff :) - peace & blessings - Michelle DB

anya genevieve said...

So great about the clot being gone!! Take it the 'clot busters' did the job finally eh? Anyways, just lots of love and prayers and so wonderful to hear the news about the clot and praying too that soon the tummy needles will be all finished with. Give the kids my love and tell Caleb to have as much fun as possible at school - this will be a good memory to look back on when he's in oh say grade 11 or 12 and just wants to be done with it all/school!! God bless, love adn hugs, Anya xoxo

Asna said...

So happy to see Caleb's clot is gone and also to hear that he is back in school! Yeah! Life will slowly start to normalize. Claire came in to Shaan's class as well, and it really helped. Shaan is also going to school regularly. Is Caleb's school everyday full day or every other day? Well take care and all the best,
Asna Chaudhry

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you all that the clot is gone! Yay! You are always in our thoughts and prayers, and emjoy being done your last tummy needle!

Aunt Linda said...

Wonderful news!! Caleb was surrounded by love and prayer. So happy that he can continue being a little boy and not a "patient". Thank you Jess for sharing this journey.