Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A whole handful

Caleb is now a whole handful!  He celebrated his 5th birthday yesterday!  What a day!  It didn't seem, outwardly, to be any different from any other birthday he's had--I still forgot to get candles ahead of time (he blew out some tea lights and a lovely fragrant soy candle) and we scrambled to get a birthday present in time (a fish, which he promptly named "Tammy")--but it was a bittersweet day.  I suppose it goes without saying that birthdays are often a time to reflect.  This time the reflecting was that much more difficult. 

Last year at this time we had no idea what we were headed for.  Caleb actually was already strangely sick at this time last year.  He picked up a cold sore virus that lasted for a week, followed by the chicken pox, for which we had vaccinated him--he just seemed more sick than usual.  The doctors tell me that because his leukemia is acute (gets bad quickly) it's not likely that those were signs of what was to come, but I'm a mom, and so I'm going to think that way anyway.  I feel like there was something wrong from this time last year up until we received a diagnosis in June.  It's difficult to journey in our minds from last years birthday to this year.  These are times that we pray for grace to deal with our memories.

We had clinic yesterday for Caleb's birthday as well.  While chatting with the parking staff in Mac's basement garage, I remarked that it was five years ago that we arrived at the hospital and Caleb was born here.  That made me feel lousy, thinking how I didn't think then that we'd be back at the hospital five years later dealing with leukemia.  No parent thinks that.   Again, these are times that we pray for grace to deal with our memories.

We have so much to celebrate, though.  Caleb is 5!  Five is a big birthday!  It's awesome to celebrate another year.  We had a celebratory weekend away with friends this past weekend.  Thanks to the Ontario government, we have a long weekend in February! 

Caleb and Nella got to try out their cross-country skis.  They did remarkably well, I think it's in their blood :)

Caleb and his friend Anna learned how to steer the GT sno-racer down the hill.  A little nerve-wracking for mom to watch the 4 year old on blood thinners careen down the hill, but the kids had a wonderful time.  It was actually a gentle slope on rather slow sliding conditions, so I didn't worry too much. (after refusing to allow him to go down the steep, tree-lined run made by the older kids).

Tim and Caleb had a great time snowmobiling.  I'm not sure who liked it more...

The classic cross-country skiing picture.  I'm so glad my kids get this chance to enjoy the out-doors.  I'm thankful for the health we enjoy and the friendships we have.  Thank you for your prayers for us.  We still need them.  

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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! 5 is a big number, Congrats! I'm glad you guys all got to enjoy a weekend outside too, looks like you got to do some fun things!

anya genevieve said...

Happy Happy Birthday Buddy!! FIVE!! can't wait for you to show me your whole handful!!!
love ya! anya xoxo (and hugs and kisses and prayers for your sisters and mom and dad too!)

Asna said...

Happy Birthday Caleb!! May you live a long and healthy life. You are a strong boy and a fighter. Probably one of the most bravest boys I know ;)'s me Shaan's mom from the clinic. How are you? I actually came across your blog by accident. I was looking up the legend for the bravery beads and your blog came up, and I was like "hey I know those guys!" I don't see you guys anymore at clinic as our clinic day is Thursday. I am so happy to hear that Caleb is doing well. I pray for all the brave kids from the clinic. Shaan is doing well and is has completed 2 months of Maintenance so far. It gets much better when those leg needles are done. When are you guys done the leg needles?
Well take care, and maybe we will run into each other at clinic.

Asna Chaudhry :)