Saturday, January 15, 2011

Speaking of Hair

This morning when getting dressed, Caleb selected his Crown Point Youth Soccer shirt.  He was on the navy blue team.  Soccer began the first week of June.  We had two nights of soccer before we ended up at Mac that week that changed our lives.  The first week of soccer, Caleb sat in the arms of Joanne, wrapped in a blanket.  The second week of soccer, Caleb didn't even want to go.  The third week of soccer, we were living in room 13 of McMaster's Children's Hospital Oncology ward, and soccer continued without us.  Caleb made it back for one night at the end of the summer, picture night.  Soccer had a profound effect on our family.  That's a longer story.

Caleb choosing this shirt today made me think about, of all things, his hair.  We have been through such a journey together, Caleb and I, through our hospital experiences.  There were times when I would look at him and wonder if he was still the same little boy that I carried into the hospital on June 21.  There were times when he looked at himself and wondered if he was the same Caleb--he told me so in July.  As he lost his hair, it became more difficult to put all of the pieces of Caleb together into the son I know.  Of course, I always knew it was him, and there were many times when he did distinctly Caleb things that showed me he was still there.  But it was painful that I had a hard time reconciling the boy in front of me with the boy from before leukemia.  Life had just changed so much.  Caleb's appearance seemed to have a symbolic quality.

Today when Caleb put on his shirt, with his hair growing as much as it is, I realized just how far we've come and who Caleb is now.  Of course, we knew that all along.  But today I realized it.  He is the same boy, through the hell of the summer and the valleys of the fall.  Today, as we played soccer in our dining room, I was able to put together my whole Caleb.  Praise God for healing.

Here are Caleb and nurse Mike, June 22.  Caleb had received several units of blood and platelets to make him so much happier and more energetic.

Here are Caleb and Anna, that last time at soccer.

Here are Caleb and Nella in front of the goal posts at home. 


Kim said...

I love that he's getting his hair back )

I don't know if you heard the news, but Brad was diagnosed with testicular cancer in December. Hard as it is, it's made me realize just how hard this all must be for you guys!

(((hugs))) from the other side of Hamilton.

superstarmom said...

We had nurse Mike just this week!!! LOVE him! It was so wonderful to meet you guys. Caleb, you're a strong, handsome little man and it was so awesome to meet you. Jess, every time I have an Ice Breaker I think of you and I'm so glad that you are part of our 'village' now. We hope to see you again soon :)
Bernice and Ella Warkentin

britt said...

hey mrs brand :)
haven't seen you in a few years..beautiful family you have. I've been following your blog and praying for you all. :) The Lord is Caleb's Shepherd. The Lord is Your Shepherd....Also.How exiciting that the hair is coming back in!! :) YAY. God Bless you all.
love brittany

anya genevieve said...

HUGS JESS! that's all i can say right now after reading your post. Hugs and Lots and lots of LOVE. (and that there's this amazing smile on my face; a one of those hard to explain kinds where you feel so many emotions at once you know???) so i'll just say hugs and love and of course, always, prayers...

off to art therapy!! thank God for helping each of us find the supports and resources we each need individually. when there are dark days, somehow the bright days shine that much brighter.

anya xoxo