We haven't given a thorough update in a while. We're enjoying the fact that nothing unusual is going on right now. We finished steroids week last week. The Monday was difficult, because Caleb experienced a lot of leg pain through the night and day. His body was responding to the lack of steroid in his system. Stereo-oids, he calls them. I had to keep him with me during what is usually my time with the girls, gymnastics class, but Uncle Johan stepped in and went to gymnastics with the girls. That was a fun treat for them. It's important to me that they feel special. We are thankful for the support from many friends that is making gymnastics a possibility for our girls.
Tuesday morning I held my breath and prayed through the quiet of the morning, wondering if Caleb would wake up in good spirits or not. He was his usual self once again, shouting and singing the morning in. That renewed life for Caleb renews my energy and tells me that we can keep going. Stereo-oids drag him down, but once they're done, we put them behind us and enjoy what we have now. We had two ordinary clinic trips last week. They're still monitoring his clotting factor as we continue with leg needles, which requires them to take blood once a week, but Caleb is adjusting to this as well. We are thankful for "ametop" cream which numbs the area being poked. Caleb talks a lot more about his zuchinia and his pokes; I love hearing him tell friends and family members about what happens for him. It tells me that he is processing his experience in good ways.
Yesterday we were at our church, New Hope. Tim was playing bass (his first time playing again since Caleb's been sick). Caleb joined Tim up at the front with his guitar, tucked right in with the band. He had brought his own music sheets (dot-to-dots that he printed at home) and had his pick tucked into his strings. He strummed and sang his heart out. Indescribable joy for all of us present that morning. Thank God for the life of children.
Tim and Aleah
Caleb tried to pet the goat while the goat tried to eat his sleeve.